Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2, 2009 Day 17 Building Our Space Shuttle/ISS Part 1

Last night I cut large pieces of cardboard to the specifications of our budding engineers for the space shuttle. I figured out a way of attaching a few reusable plastic food containers and cardboard tubes that I had hoped would support the children's understanding of how we would create a three dimensional pretend play area based on the drawings they made previously.

We launched this engineering aspect of our Monarchs In Space project by opening painting stations in which children were invited to express their ideas on three panels of our space shuttle with gray, white, and black paint. Part two of this aspect of our engineering project will resume tomorrow when we get out the paint again and work on the panels for our functional "sliding door" that will connect the shuttle to the space station.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a a terrific job of documenting this experiment! We have just received our larva from UKan and are fascinated as well.
    Mrs. Glawe's GATAS students
    Greenwood, South Carolina
